If you plan to buy a home in Albuquerque, no doubt you would appreciate some insight into the many fine neighborhoods here. Niche.com is a website that rates, among other things, the best neighborhoods to buy a home in Albuquerque. These ratings are based on a wide range of criteria, including the quality of local schools, crime rates, housing trends, employment statistics, and access to amenities. Here are some of the top neighborhoods in Albuquerque according to Niche.com.
Nob Hill
#1 Best Neighborhoods to Live in Albuquerque
#1 Best Neighborhoods for Young Professionals in Albuquerque
#1 Best Neighborhoods to Raise a Family in Albuquerque
Nob Hill has an overall rating of A+, with "A" grades for being good for families, nightlife, diversity, outdoor activities, and commute time. The 36 schools in Nob Hill also received above average scores. One resident had this to say about life in Nob Hill: "I love it! Wonderful community with wonderful food, events, local music and more. Cost of living in houses is much cheaper and more realistic than the many condos and luxury studios in the area.
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#2 Best Neighborhoods to Live in Albuquerque
#2 Best Neighborhoods to Raise a Family in Albuquerque
#2 Most Diverse Neighborhoods in Albuquerque
With an overall grade of A, Eastside gets high marks for being family friendly, outdoor activities, health & fitness, diversity, nightlife, and commute time. There are 71 public schools in Eastside, most of which have an above average rating. One happy resident appreciated the "Rich diversity and multicultural background, amazing food, and scenic sunsets and mountain trails."
Median Home Value
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Balloon Fiesta
#3 Best Neighborhoods to Live in Albuquerque
#1 Most Diverse Neighborhoods in Albuquerque
#3 Best Neighborhoods for Young Professionals in Albuquerque
Balloon Fiesta received an overall rating of A-, with A grades being given to its nightlife, outdoor activities, health & fitness, and commute. There are 61 top rated schools in Balloon Fiesta, most receiving above average scores. One reviewer comments that "There definitely is a lot more space between the neighbors and with the properties. I would live here again, the air is clean and is smells like roasted chile in the fall which is great."
Median Home Value
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#4 Best Neighborhoods to Live in Albuquerque
#3 Best Neighborhoods to Raise a Family in Albuquerque
#3 Most Diverse Neighborhoods in Albuquerque
Westside also gets an A- grade overall, with strong marks given for being family friendly, diversity, and outdoor activities. The 49 public schools also received high marks, with 7 receiving "A" grades. High praise for living in Westside comes from one reviewer who said: "I have lived here for about 2 years now and there is absolutely ZERO complaints in this neighborhood. I have always felt so comfortable with everyone I come into contact with. The amount of parks, facilities, and schools nearby make it that much more awesome. I always recommend family and friends to search for homes on the west side."
Median Home Value
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